I went a little fiber crazy over the weekend and I dyed what natural fiber I had at hand. It is in the lower left corner of the picture. In the bottom right corner is an ounce of nylon fiber in fircracker and I plan on blending it with the merino fiber that is right above it the green multi color. Conter clockwise form the green multi is a Merino/Angora Blend color Jamaca and it has alot of bright colors with jewel tones mixed in. The brown in the green paper is a Yak fiber that I have to de-hair before I can spin it. The Red fiber on the upper left side is a 100% wool with small felted bits added in and I think I am going to spin it chunky so that these will not fly out as I spin it. I spun up about an ounce of it back in october and I learned the hard way that if the roving has thoes little felted pieces that If you spin it too thin they will fly out like little bullets. My Wheel should be in tomorrow or thursday and I am so excited I really cannot wait to get spinning.
This weekend we put up our Christmas tree and I have pictures but they are on my camera's internal memory and I left the cord at home so I will post them tomorrow.
I also finished this quarter of school on Saturday and I do not start back until January 9th. I so needed a break. .
I have been busy on the knitting front. I knitted 3 Mini Pullovers based on the pattern from my Knitting Pattern-a-day '06 Calendar. They were very easy to knit and quick but sewing them up takes longer than knitting them. I knitted then on #6 dpns and I like that they turned out bigger and I found some small bears that they fit on perfectly. I really wanted to have them ready for a little extra gift for my nieces and nephews. I have 3 nieces and 3 nephews, and I have only knitted 3 sweaters. I have a lot of work to do before friday I have to have 2 for each by then as that is when we meet with the ILs. we meet with my family on Christmas day at 7pm so I do not too much of a rush on the others.
I took a few pictures of my oldest on Sunday afternoon in her Christmas Dress and I like this one best.
What a cute Christmas dress!
did you make it?
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